The Girl Scout Advantage Podcast

Sharing the importance of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, one story at a time. Tune in to hear miraculous stories from Girl Scouts, volunteers, parents, alumnae, and staff from everywhere in Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan.
Welcome back to a brand-new season of The Girl Scout Advantage Podcast! This season, we're diving into a new series called Dudes of Girl Scouting, where we highlight the men who champion, support, and lead at Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan.
Whether you're a lifelong Girl Scout, a new member, or just curious about the men who make a difference in this space, each episode offers a heartfelt look at what it means to be part of the Girl Scout family. Don’t miss a conversation and join us every week to hear even more inspiring stories!
The Dudes of Girl Scouting series continues on The Girl Scout Advantage Podcast with Jamie Lettow, a dedicated Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan Board Member and proud Girl Scout dad!
Jamie has served on the board for over three years and has two daughters already in Girl Scouts—and a third ready to join soon! He is deeply invested in the organization’s impact on young girls. As a former Boy Scout with a love for the outdoors, he was drawn to the opportunities Girl Scouts provides, not just for his daughters but for all girls, no matter the background, in the community.
Jamie shares what being part of the Girl Scout movement means to him: “This is one step above. It is helping an organization succeed and help their mission present to more girls in the community.”
Tune in to hear how Jamie supports Girl Scouts at both the board level and as a dad, why he believes these experiences are so valuable, and how Girl Scouts is shaping the next generation of leaders.
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The Dudes of Girl Scouting series continues on The Girl Scout Advantage Podcast, and this week, we’re joined by Rod Roesch from Troop 60213 in Clinton, MI!
Rod’s Girl Scout journey began when he jumped feet first in when his younger daughter joined. He began as a Brownie co-leader and is now in his second year as a troop leader, embracing the experience and history of Girl Scouts in Clinton—dating all the way back to 1935!
Rod reflects on what Girl Scouting has meant to him, saying: “Girl Scouts has enabled me to do things with my younger kid that I probably wouldn’t have been able to.” He also shares why he believes Girl Scouts is more important now than ever: “I think girls now more than ever need opportunities to get together, to form friendships, to learn to be good friends, [and] to learn to be friends with all the people in your troop.”
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In this episode of The Girl Scout Advantage Podcast, our Dudes of Girl Scouting series continues with special guest Jon Barrows, a proud Girl Scout dad and longtime supporter.
Jon shares his journey into Girl Scouting that began with a deeper introduction from host, Brenna West, and his journey with our organization the past three years. Reflecting on his experience, Jon says: “It has been so amazing to hear all these amazing stories of girls and to see that transformation right in my house.”
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Welcome back to a brand-new season of The Girl Scout Advantage Podcast! This season, we’re diving into a new series called Dudes of Girl Scouting, where we highlight the men who champion, support, and lead at Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan.
In this kickoff episode, host Brenna West sits down with Fred Shaw, a dedicated co-leader and volunteer with over a decade of experience in Girl Scouting. Fred shares his journey of 10 years in the movement, including 4 years as a co-leader, and reflects on the profound impact Girl Scouts has had on his life.
Whether you’re a lifelong Girl Scout, a new member, or just curious about the men who make a difference in this space, this episode offers a heartfelt look at what it means to be part of the Girl Scout family. Don’t miss this conversation and join us next week to hear even more inspiring stories!
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Jan Barker, Chief Executive Officer of Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan, shares her experiences from the leadership viewpoint of our organization. Jan has over 20 years of experience in the CEO role, previously serving Girl Scouts Glowing Embers Council. In our inaugural episode, Jan paints a picture of Girl Scouts and how we create girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place.
In this episode, you will learn:
– The fifteen empirically-supported outcomes of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience
– Stories of girls and the ways in which Girl Scouting has changed their lives
– The magical moments that girls need and how we create them
– The benefits of experiencing the girl-only environment
Tune in to hear Jan’s take on all things Girl Scouts!
“It’s not cookies, crafts, and camping anymore.” Susan Monroe, owner and President of Three Chairs Company, speaks with us about her experience in Girl Scouts and how it shaped her to be the woman she is today.
In this episode, you’ll hear:
– How her mother’s passion for camping inspired her own love for the outdoors
– How Girl Scouts contributed to her business sense
– Why Girl Scouts, as a girl-led program, is crucial and relevant today
Listen now to hear the inspirational story of Susan and her Girl Scout Experience.
Sara Reedy is the Area Manager for Holt, Michigan; in this volunteer role, she provides support to leaders throughout her community. She is also a troop leader for both of her daughter’s troops.
In this podcast, you’ll learn:
– The importance of keeping things girl led
– The excitement her Daises experienced while camping
– How Girl Scouting showed her the importance of self-care
– The ways in which anyone can make a profound impact on the girls in our world
Tune in to learn about the magic of Girl Scouting, from the volunteer perspective!
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Miranda Goodison is a junior in high school AND a sophomore in college, with a head start on her career – a career she discovered in Girl Scouting!
In this episode, you’ll learn:
– How girls can shape their own individual Girl Scout experiences as Juliettes
– How Miranda found and began her career because of a Girl Scout field trip
– How Miranda is promoting STEM learning opportunities in her community while completing the Gold Award, the highest award in Girl Scouting
– Miranda’s perspective on why all girls should make Girl Scouting a priority in their lives.
Tune in for all this and more!
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Ellie Mrak is a junior in high school who is changing the world one small (and some large) act at a time. Throughout her Girl Scout experience, she has exhibited a passion for giving back to her community, and has plans in the works to impact the nation at large.
In this episode, you’ll hear:
– Ellie’s experience in a multi-generational Girl Scout family and the values she’s learned as a result
– The ease and importance of giving back in small and large ways
– The project she’s working on to build a national monument in Washington, D.C.
– How Girl Scouts showed Ellie that she can change the world
Listen now to hear this motivated and inspirational girl tell her story!
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Josh Gettig, a business owner in the Kalamazoo Region, joins this episode to share his perspective as a dad to two Girl Scouts, a husband to a Girl Scout leader, and a member of GSHOM’s Board of Trustees.
In this episode, you will hear:
– Josh’s experience at our annual Girl Scout Cookie Bake-Off
– The transformation that he has seen in his wife and daughters while being involved in Girl Scouts
– How his daughter held his wife accountable to Girl Scout principles while on vacation
– Why Girl Scouts is so important for girls today
Listen for these and even more stories from Josh’s point of view!
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Samantha McKenzie is a Girl Scout alumna who is the President and CEO of Hidden Harvest Food Bank in Saginaw, Michigan, an organization dedicated to alleviating hunger and eliminating food waste in the region.
In this episode, you’ll learn about:
– How Hidden Harvest uses resources wisely and makes the world a better place
– Samantha’s Girl Scout experience that provided her first experience with grant writing, and taught her the power of the pen
– How Girl Scout values have been integrated into her family life
Listen to the episode today to hear how this Girl Scout Alum is changing the world!
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Kimberly Carter, B. S., M.A.Ed., Ed.S., is the superintendent of Battle Creek Public Schools, as well as a Girl Scout alumna. In this episode, she describes how being involved in Girl Scouts while being raised in a single-parent household was a game-changer for her, allowing her opportunities that she may not have otherwise experienced due to her cirucmstances.
In this episode, Kim will share:
– Her passion for helping children have access to quality education and experiential learning opportunities
– The importance of sowing seeds of success in the lives of children, as people have done for you
– How Girl Scouts built resilience in her and showed her that there is power within her to make the world a better place
Tune in to hear Kim’s stories of Girl Scouting changing her life!
Liberty Torrence is a Girl Scout alum, a mom to two Girl Scouts, and a troop leader for both of her daughters’ troops. She has a unique perspective on Girl Scouting since she gets to see the Girl Scout Leadership Experience in action for two different age groups at once, watching her daughters progress through the program while developing lifelong friendships and sharing life-changing experiences.
In this episode, Liberty shares:
– The GS memories she has from her childhood that inspired her to provide the same opportunities for her daughters
– How being involved in Girl Scouts as a volunteer has strengthened the relationships she has with both of her daughters
– A story about the time her girls found courage and confidence through rock-climbing
– Her perspective on how Girl Scouts has evolved to meet the changing needs of girls today
– The most rewarding aspects of being a Girl Scout leader
Tune in to hear Liberty’s take on Girl Scouting!
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Paula Stott is a troop leader for her daughter’s Junior Troop based in Bath, Michigan. The troop is a troop that is very active, especially in terms of community service. Paula is a lifelong Girl Scout, having been involved as a girl, and with each of her daughters over the last nearly three decades.
In this episode, Paula shares:
– How Girl Scouts became a part of who she is
– Her experience progressing through multiple volunteer roles
– The behavior system her troop uses to help girls hold themselves and other accountable
– How her troop told their elected officials that bullying others, even in adulthood, is not acceptable
– The goods drive the troop conducted to give back to troops overseas
Tune in to hear all about Paula’s experiences and how Girl Scouts has made a difference in her life.
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Sheri Jones, news anchor for the CBS-affiliate WLNS in Lansing, is a Girl Scout Alumna who has established herself as a trustworthy and decorated professional, as well as a dedicated philanthropist who deeply values giving back. Sheri, an alumna of Michigan State University, was recently inducted into the Michigan Association of Broadcasters Hall of Fame, and was also honored with the Athena Award from the Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce, the South Lansing Community Service Person of the Year, and the Outstanding Volunteer Award from the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation. This is just a small glimpse at the recognitions that Sheri has earned for the work she has done for her community.
In this episode, you’ll hear about:
• Sheri’s journey to being the first female on the crime beat and her extremely successful Crime Stoppers segment
• Her dedication to service over self and giving back to the community that she loves
• The importance of setting goals and a “sky’s the limit” mentality
Listen to hear first hand from Sheri about why Girl Scouts is crucial for girls today, as well as for our communities at large.
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Amanda Harsh is a Gold Award Girl Scout who became a Leader for her daughter’s troop before becoming the Area Manager for Heart of Lenawee. Amanda is passionate about Girl Scouts and has made great strides as the Area Manager.
In this episode, you will learn:
• How the Heart of Lenawee area successfully brings people together, adding another layer to the Girl Scout Experience
• Amanda’s perspective on how leaders learn, experiment, and grow alongside the girls
• What it’s like to lead a troop with multiple levels in it
Tune in to hear all of this and so much more!
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Audrey Reynolds is the Outdoor Program Team Lead and the Director of Camp Linden. In 2019, it’s more important than ever that girls have the chance to disconnect from technology and reconnect with nature.
In this episode, Audrey, a lifelong Girl Scout and camp aficionado, explains:
Have questions about camp? Listen to this podcast, and reach out to Audrey (areynolds@gshom.org) for additional information.
Meet Wilson and Giggles – otherwise known as Brittani Havenaar and Naomi Sarelis. These life-long campers are the Assistant Camp Directors at Camp Merrie Woode this summer. The best part is that Brittani was once Naomi’s counselor; their relationship exemplifies the progression of leadership at Girl Scout camp, as well as the special relationships that develop between girls at camp.
In this episode, you will learn:
Tune in today to hear Brittani & Naomi’s wonderful experience at Girl Scout Camp throughout their lives!
Cheryl Vosburg is a long-time volunteer for Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan, who has much wisdom to share about the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. She is currently the Area Manager for Marshall, Michigan, as well as the Troop Organizer, and a Trainer, instilling her knowledge into current volunteers for GSHOM.
In this episode, you’ll hear Cheryl’s take on Girl Scouts, including:
Tune in today to hear about all of this, and so much more!
Maddie Rayner is a Girl Scout Alumna and a Gold Award Girl Scout with a passion for making the world a better place.
Tune in to this episode to hear:
Listen today to learn all of this and more!
Nancy and Heather Miller are a mother-daughter, lifetime Girl Scout duo from Freeland, Michigan. Nancy, having been a Girl Scout for 41 years, served as Heather’s Troop Leader, and both Millers live by the motto, “Once a Girl Scout, always a Girl Scout.”
In this episode, Nancy and Heather share:
Listen for these stories and feel the strength of a mother/daughter bond bolstered by Girl Scouting!
The 2019 Michigan Girl Scout Sing-Along was held on April 27, 2019 on the front lawn of the Capital Building in Lansing, Michigan. Girl Scouts from across the state attended, gathering together to sing Girl Scout songs and enjoy time together.
The event included an intermission with several activities, including SWAPS, crafting, the retail shop, and a booth commemorating Girls in Information & Communication Technology Day, which is also in April. At this booth, girls had the opportunity to use our podcast equipment and discuss all the ways in which technology is part of their lives.
Tune in to hear some snippets from girls of all ages, on why they love Girl Scouts and how fun the Sing-Along was!
Mikayla Flores, of Adrian, MI, is a second grade Brownie who sold over 2200 boxes of Girl Scout cookies as a Daisy. She has big goals again this year, and the determination and tenacity to achieve that and so much more.
Listen to this episode with Mikayla and her mom, Chelsea, to learn:
You don’t want to miss this episode!
Chris Holbert is a volunteer who has been involved in Girl Scouts for ten years. Starting off her Girl Scout experience in Arizona at the age of 35, Chris eventually moved to Michigan and continued on as a leader for her daughter’s troop.
Listen in to hear about Chris’s experiences and learn:
Listen today to hear all of this, and so much more!
What does it take to work second shift full-time while caring for your family and leading your daughter’s Girl Scout troop? Christina Medina will tell you that it can be challenging, but that the challenge is beyond worth it. Christina is the troop leader for her daughter Isabel’s Cadette Troop in our Lansing region. This episode is a special one that was recorded over two sessions; the first part at their troop meeting in November, and the second part with Christina and Isabel over winter break.
Tune into this episode to hear from both Christina and her girls about:
Listen to hear all this and more!
Colleen Dawson, President of the Women’s Council of Realtors in Kalamazoo, is a Girl Scout alumna, former Troop Leader, and current Girl Scout Cookie Bake-Off Benefit Committee Member. During her time as a Girl Scout leader, she was amazed by the adventures and new experiences she had with her troop.
In this episode, you’ll hear:
Tune in today to hear all of this and more!
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Mandy Orlando is a first year Brownie Troop Leader from Watervliet, Michigan. Join us in this episode as she shares why Girl Scouting is such an important part of her life.
Listen today to hear:
Tune in to hear all of this and so much more!
Renee Svetic is a life-long Girl Scout who truly bleeds green and white. She is a Junior Leader from Freeland, who also volunteers with her Area.
Listen into Renee’s episode to get a glimpse into:
Tune in for this and so much more!
Ricarah Riddle is a Girl Scout Alumna and Gold Award Girl Scout who has truly made an impact in her community to make the world a better place using her passions for social justice, youth development, sustainability, and holistic healing arts.
Listen today to hear:
You’ll learn about all of this and so much more – tune in today!
Meet Kori Swieter, new Director of Camp O’ the Hills! In this episode, you’ll hear why Kori loves camp and the great outdoors, what she has learned at camp, and why camp is important for girls. Tune in to get to know our newest member of the Camp Team!
In the second episode focused on camp, you’ll hear from Assistant Director of Camp Linden, Nicole (otherwise known as Nickel). In this episode, we dive into anxiety and the outdoors, the Counselor in Training Program, getting girls off their phones, and all of the other magic that takes place at Girl Scout Camp. Tune in today!
Brad Peltz is the Camp Director for Camp Merrie Woode! Brad joined the team within the last year, and we can’t wait for you to hear him talk about camp! He talks about the importance of getting in the outdoors and why girl-led is such an important part of Girl Scout Camp.
Tune in to hear all of this and so much more!
Girl Scouts fuels the leadership pipeline with experts in science, technology, engineering, and math. How does this happen? Through our robust badge offerings and community partnerships, we provide girls with real-life experiences that give them the skills they need to excel in life. One of these partners is GM Design, who hosts an event each year where Girl Scouts get to experience the behind-the-scenes action that happens at General Motors.
In this episode, you’ll hear all about the GM Design event offered for girls, why it’s important for girls to have experiences like these, and so much more. Tune in for the magic today!
Kicking off Season 3, this episode chronicles the friendship of Grace and Sue, who were in the same Girl Scout troop growing up. They share a story of their adventure that started years ago on a troop trip, which they finally completed just recently.
The episode will remind you of the bond between childhood best friends, and the commitment between them. Join us as they describe the incredible adventure that has taken them years to co-author..
Join us to hear from our Outreach Team Lead, Lisa Ingram! Lisa has worked at Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan for 12 years, and under her guidance, the outreach program has blossomed and more girls than ever have the opportunity to be a Girl Scout. Listen now to hear how community troops help give every girl the opportunity to be a Girl Scout and some of the amazing programs that they offer like learning about leadership skills or spending a weekend at camp!
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit http://weblink.donorperfect.com/GSHOMpodcast today.
Join us to hear from lifelong Girl Scout Kate, and her mother and Girl Scout volunteer Colleen! Kate and Colleen reminisce about Girl Scouts when Kate was a girl and tell many fun stories about how Girl Scouts influenced them both throughout their entire lives. Listen now to hear about how Kate now works for Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan as our Digital Media Specialist and the impact Colleen has had on her Girl Scouts!
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit http://weblink.donorperfect.com/GSHOMpodcast today.
Join us to hear from a longtime volunteer, Renee Graham, talk about her experience with Girl Scouts. Renee is a third-generation Girl Scout and joined when she was in 1st grade, then was a troop leader after she graduated high school. Listen now to hear about all of the ways that Renee volunteers with Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan.
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit http://weblink.donorperfect.com/GSHOMpodcast today.
Join us to hear from a family of Girl Scouts, the Ward family! Cherise, a long-time Girl Scout volunteer, her daughter Sierra, a former Girl Scout and now volunteer, and her other daughter Aliah, a current Girl Scout. Listen to the family talk about how Girl Scouts have influenced their lives and what accomplishments they have made when in Girl Scouts!
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit http://weblink.donorperfect.com/GSHOMpodcast today.
Join us to hear from Girl Scout volunteer, Kati Martin. Kati walks us through her journey from not knowing anything about Girl Scouts to being a Service Unit Manager. Listen now to hear how Kati connects to the Girl Scout law and how she applies it in her life!
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit http://weblink.donorperfect.com/GSHOMpodcast today.
Join us today to hear from Girl Scout volunteer, Amy Courter. Amy walks us through her path from college, to entrepreneur, to the National Commander of the Civil Air Patrol. Listen now to hear all of the details of Amy's journey and what skills she gained along the way!
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit http://weblink.donorperfect.com/GSHOMpodcast today.
Join us today to hear from Leah Sleder, camp name Dude, about her experiences at Girl Scout Camp. Girl Scout Camp is a staple of Girl Scouting that Leah has fully embraced. Listen as she tells stories about her time as a camper and a counselor!
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit http://weblink.donorperfect.com/GSHOMpodcast today.
Join us today to hear from Sydney Malloy, camp name Fawkes, about her experience at Girl Scout camp. Sydney grew up going to camp Linden and now works for the camp in the summer. Learn all about Sydney's journey and what Girl Scout camp is like!
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit http://weblink.donorperfect.com/GSHOMpodcast today.
Join us today to hear from Kelley Hissong and Cass Thorman about their experiences as adult and girl delegates (respectively) at Girl Scout National Council Sessions. In their roles as delegates, they voted to make decisions about the future of Girl Scouting - while having a ton of fun!
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit http://weblink.donorperfect.com/GSHOMpodcast today.
This episode is a special one! Hear from Troop 451, who has been meeting for over 50 years! You won’t want to miss the amazing stories of lifelong friendships, lessons learned, life skills, and so much more.
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit http://weblink.donorperfect.com/GSHOMpodcast today.
This season on the Girl Scout Advantage Podcast, we are spotlighting
the volunteers who make the magic happen! Throughout the season, we
will speak to our wonderful volunteers about their experience with
Girl Scouts and what makes the work they do so unique and rewarding.
In this episode, you’ll hear from alum and current volunteer, Kelsey
Moberg, about why she volunteers and what makes Girl Scouts so
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Joining Brenna this week of The Girl Scout Advantage Podcast is Acadia Hahlbrock! Acadia is a Girl Scout Alum who achieved her Gold Award, and as she grew, she noticed the profound impact Girl Scouts had on her. She became a trop leader to share this profound impact with the next generation of Girl Scouts so they can also learn to be brave and take risks in a safe and supported environment. Acadia stresses that there is no one Troop Leader magician who knows it all and does everything perfectly like she saw in her Troop Leader growing up. By putting girls back out into the world to take risks and be bold, she found that the magician turned out to be inside of her and could be inside of any of you. As a Troop Leader, you can inspire girls with the magic of Girl Scouts every day!
Welcome to the newest season of the Girl Scout Advantage podcast! In this season, each week, Brenna will talk with different Girl Scout Volunteers about their experience with Girl Scouts and what makes the work they do so unique and rewarding.
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit https://www.gshom.org/en/support-us.html today.
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This week on The Girl Scout Advantage Podcast, Jennifer Cline joins Brenna to talk about her time as a Girl Scout and her volunteer experience. Alum Jennifer shares all about her 16 years as a Girl Scout leader and everything she and her girls have accomplished through the years. Jennifer shares the importance of a troop being girl-led and how she encourages her girls to be decision-makers. She also talks about the amazing adventures Girl Scouts offers not only for the girls but for volunteers.
Welcome to the newest season of the Girl Scout Advantage podcast! In this season, each week, Brenna will talk with different Girl Scout Volunteers about their experience with Girl Scouts and what makes the work they do so unique and rewarding.
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit https://www.gshom.org/en/support-us.html today.
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During this episode, Stacey reminisces about her almost 40 years of Girl Scout experience, from the fun adventures of her childhood to the many hats she wears in the organization now. She opens up about volunteering and advocating for getting girls out of their comfort zones, being in a safe space to try new things, and meeting new people to get a better & more accepting view of the world around them.
As a Trail Blazer Troop Leader, Stacey has taken her girls on many adventures and inspired them to dream without limitations. Outside of her role in her troop, she translates her outside interests and skills into facilitating training for other leaders and being the treasurer for the Ann Arbor Region.
Welcome to the newest season of the Girl Scout Advantage podcast! In this season, each week, Brenna will talk with different Girl Scout Volunteers about their experience with Girl Scouts and what makes the work they do so unique and rewarding.
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit https://www.gshom.org/en/support-us.html today.
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On this week's episode of The Girl Scout Advantage Podcast is Jessica Dailey! Jessica joins Brenna to talk about her experience with Girl Scouts and volunteering. Her time in Girl Scouts began as a young girl, starting in Brownies and continuing until her junior year, where she earned her Silver Award. Jessica shares how she started volunteering during the pandemic and the resources that Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan provided to help smooth that process during that difficult time, and how she continues to use them to this day. The two also highlight volunteers’ many roles when working with a troop and that everyone can find their niche.
Welcome to the newest season of the Girl Scout Advantage podcast! In this season, each week, Brenna will talk with different Girl Scout Volunteers about their experience with Girl Scouts and what makes the work they do so unique and rewarding.
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit https://www.gshom.org/en/support-us.html today.
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On this week’s episode of the Girl Scout Advantage Podcast, Brenna is joined by Susan O’Leary! Susan is a Girl Scout alum who wanted to continue her role with Girl Scouts when her daughters became Girl Scouts themselves. In the episode, Brenna and her speak about finding her role as a volunteer as someone who knew that becoming a troop leader straight away wasn’t for her but still had interests and skills that would benefit her daughters’ troop.
Welcome to the newest season of the Girl Scout Advantage podcast! In this season, each week, Brenna will talk with different Girl Scout Volunteers about their experience with Girl Scouts and what makes the work they do so unique and rewarding.
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit https://www.gshom.org/en/support-us.html today.
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Joining us this week on the Girl Scout Advantage Podcast is Megan Fiero! Megan wears many hats at Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan. Besides being an alum, she continued her legacy as a Troop leader for her daughter’s troop. However, her real Girl Scout passion is Product. Megan also serves as the Service Unit Product Manager for Birch Run. She prides herself in her work for the Product Program in her area and hopes to use her story to inspire listeners to volunteer, no matter the role!
In this season of the Girl Scout Advantage Podcast, each week, Brenna will talk with different Girl Scout Volunteers about their experience with Girl Scouts and what makes the work they do so unique and rewarding.
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit https://www.gshom.org/en/support-us.html today.
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This season on the Girl Scout Advantage Podcast, we are spotlighting the volunteers who make the magic happen! Throughout the season, we will speak to our wonderful volunteers about their experience with Girl Scouts and what makes the work they do so unique and rewarding. In this episode, you'll hear from alum and current volunteer, Kelsey Moberg, about why she volunteers and what makes Girl Scouts so special.
Girls have experienced the impact of COVID-19 and living through a pandemic. Here at Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan, we are diving into the research about how girls specifically are impacted by quarantine, isolation, and everything else that comes with a global pandemic.
Beginning with our CEO, Jan Barker, this series will dive into how girls are impacted by COVID-19, and how Girl Scouts can help.
While so much has been cancelled this year, Girl Scouts has not been cancelled. In fact, Bethany Wilson has had experiences so far this year facilitating safe in-person Girl Scout meetings, virtual experiences, and a hybrid model. Tune in today to learn about what each of these experiences have looked like, and how you can make the magic happen for your troop.
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit http://weblink.donorperfect.com/GSHOMpodcast today.
In this week’s episode of the Girl Scout Advantage Podcast, we hear from Membership Specialist Ali Van Overbeke about the importance of girl-led, one of the cornerstones of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Learn from Ali why it’s so important to keep girl-led at the forefront of your Girl Scout activities all the time, but right now especially.
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit http://weblink.donorperfect.com/GSHOMpodcast today.
In this week’s episode, we hear from JoAnna Roach, a Membership Team Lead for Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan. We know that girls are being significantly impacted by the pandemic, and JoAnna shares tips for how to positively engage girls in fun, simple ways.
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit http://weblink.donorperfect.com/GSHOMpodcast today.
On this week’s episode about the effect of the pandemic on girls and how we can support girls through these times, we hear from Membership Specialist Molly Buckham about the many ways we can incorporate outdoor time into our day-to-day life. Listen today to learn about the benefits associated with spending time in the great outdoors.
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit http://weblink.donorperfect.com/GSHOMpodcast today.
In this episode of our series about the impact of the pandemic on girls, we explore the benefits of the great outdoors and how Girl Scout camp can fit into the lives of girls. Our Outdoor Program Team Lead & Camp Linden Director, Audrey Reynolds, discusses the benefits of the outdoors and the ways we are here to serve girls now and always.
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit http://weblink.donorperfect.com/GSHOMpodcast today.
In the second episode of the pandemic series, Traci Judy, GSHOM Membership Specialist with a social work background, walks us through dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) techniques that troop leaders and parents can use to help girls dealing with big emotions during these unprecedented times.
Please note: These therapies are not a substitute for receiving professional health with mental health issues. If your girl needs professional mental health attention, please call 1-310-855-4673 or text TEEN to 839863.
Traci's email: TJudy@gshom.org
Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan is proud to have two Mackinac Island Honor Guard Troops that serve on Mackinac Island each summer: Troop 609 and Troop 7901. In this first episode of a two-part series, join us as we hear from the adult leadership of both troops about what the program is and why it is such an incredible, girl-led opportunity for girls.
For more information about the Mackinac Island Honor Guard Troops in Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan, or to view the applications, please visit the Mackinac Island Honor Guard page on our website.
Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan is proud to have two Mackinac Island Honor Guard Troops that serve on Mackinac Island each summer: Troop 609 and Troop 7901. In this first episode of a two-part series, join us as we hear from the adult leadership of both troops about what the program is and why it is such an incredible, girl-led opportunity for girls.
For more information about the Mackinac Island Honor Guard Troops in Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan, or to view the applications, please visit the Mackinac Island Honor Guard page on our website.
Join us to hear from Girl Scout Heart of Michigan CEO, Jan Barker! Brenna and Jan focus on the overview of the 15 Outcomes of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience and what it means for all girls. Listen to Jan talk about how she played a leading role in creating the 15 Outcomes and how it is the backbone of everything that is done in Girl Scouts!
This episode focuses on the take aways from this season of the podcast that focused on the 15 Outcomes with Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan CEO Jan Barker.
Join us to hear from Girl Scout Alexis and mom April! Listen to them talk about how they started their volunteer journey with Girl Scouts. Brenna, April, and Alexis focus on outcome Take Action 5: Girls feel empowered to make a difference in the world. They talk about how being in Girl Scout Camp has helped inspire them to take action and learn new skills.
Welcome to the newest season of the Girl Scout Advantage podcast! In this season, each week, Brenna will talk with a different Girl Scout or Girl Scout Volunteer to deep dive into one of the 15 Outcomes of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. This episode focuses on Take Action 5: Girls feel empowered to make a difference in the world.
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit http://weblink.donorperfect.com/GSHOMpodcast today.
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Join us to hear from Girl Scout Emme! Listen to her talk about how she has learned to be a leader through Girl Scouts. Brenna and Emme focus on outcome Take Action 4: Girls educate and inspire others to act. Emme talks about how she earned her Bronze and Silver awards and what they meant to her.
Welcome to the newest season of the Girl Scout Advantage podcast! In this season, each week, Brenna will talk with a different Girl Scout or Girl Scout Volunteer to deep dive into one of the 15 Outcomes of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. This episode focuses on Take Action 4: Girls educate and inspire others to act.
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit http://weblink.donorperfect.com/GSHOMpodcast today.
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Join us to hear from Girl Scout Makayla and mom/Troop Leader Chelsea! Listen to them talk about how much they have learned and experienced with Girl Scouts. Brenna, Mikayla, and Chelsea focus on outcome Take Action 3: Girls advocate for themselves and others, locally and globally. They talk about how Girl Scouts has helped to build their community connections so that they can impact more people!
Welcome to the newest season of the Girl Scout Advantage podcast! In this season, each week, Brenna will talk with a different Girl Scout or Girl Scout Volunteer to deep dive into one of the 15 Outcomes of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. This episode focuses on Take Action 3: Girls advocate for themselves and others, locally and globally.
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit http://weblink.donorperfect.com/GSHOMpodcast today.
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Join us to hear from Girl Scout Katie Holmes! Listen to Katie talk about how Girl Scout Camp has helped shape who she is today. Brenna and Katie focus on outcome. Take Action 2: Girls are resourceful problem solvers. Katie talks about how there are so many different experiences in Girl SCouts where she learned how to solve problems and be creative.
Welcome to the newest season of the Girl Scout Advantage podcast! In this season, each week, Brenna will talk with a different Girl Scout or Girl Scout Volunteer to deep dive into one of the 15 Outcomes of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. This episode focuses on Take Action 2: Girls are resourceful problem solvers.
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit http://weblink.donorperfect.com/GSHOMpodcast today.
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Join us to hear from Girl Scouts Saydee and Kasidee Davenport! Listen to the sisters talk about how being Girl Scouts have helped them bond with their mom, who is also their troop leader. Brenna, Saydee, and Kasidee focus on the outcome Take Action 1: Girls can identify community needs. Saydee and Kasidee talk about an annual service unit project that they participate in, where troops and community members “adopt” a child in foster care for Christmas and buy them presents to make sure that everyone feels special during Christmas.
Welcome to the newest season of the Girl Scout Advantage podcast! In this season, each week, Brenna will talk with a different Girl Scout or Girl Scout Volunteer to deep dive into one of the 15 Outcomes of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. This episode focuses on Take Action 1: girls can identify community needs.
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit http://weblink.donorperfect.com/GSHOMpodcast today.
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Join us to hear from Girl Scout volunteer Jennifer Harms! Listen to Jennifer talk about her experience as a Girl Scout leader. Brenna and Jennifer focus on outcome Connect 5: Girls feel connected to their communities, locally and globally. Jennifer talks about what her Girl Scouts learn to be respectful and helpful community members.
Welcome to the newest season of the Girl Scout Advantage podcast! In this season, each week, Brenna will talk with a different Girl Scout or Girl Scout Volunteer to deep dive into one of the 15 Outcomes of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. This episode focuses on Connect 5: Girls feel connected to their communities, locally and globally.
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit http://weblink.donorperfect.com/GSHOMpodcast today.
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Join us to hear from Girl Scout staff member and volunteer Christine Ortman! Listen to Christine talk about how being her daughters troop leader has helped them bond. Brenna and Christine focus on outcome Connect 4: Girls advance diversity in a multicultural world. Christine talks about how her troop loves to learn about new cultures and places.
Welcome to the newest season of the Girl Scout Advantage podcast! In this season, each week, Brenna will talk with a different Girl Scout or Girl Scout Volunteer to deep dive into one of the 15 Outcomes of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. This episode focuses on Connect 4: Girls advance diversity in a multicultural world.
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit http://weblink.donorperfect.com/GSHOMpodcast today.
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Join us to hear from Girl Scout volunteers Kennedy Isabell and Linda Elston! Listen to them talk about how they started their volunteer journey with Girl Scouts. Brenna, Kennedy, and Linda focus on outcome Connect 3: Girls can resolve conflicts. They talk about how being in Girl Scouts has helped their troop to learn how to overcome problems and work together to resolve differences.
Welcome to the newest season of the Girl Scout Advantage podcast! In this season, each week, Brenna will talk with a different Girl Scout or Girl Scout Volunteer to deep dive into one of the 15 Outcomes of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. This episode focuses on Connect 3: Girls can resolve conflicts.
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit http://weblink.donorperfect.com/GSHOMpodcast today.
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Join us to hear from Girl Scout volunteer Brenda Coleman! Listen to Brenda talk about a unique Girl Scout experience- the Mackinac Island Scout Program. She takes you through what the program is and what it entails to be one. Brenna and Brenda focus on outcome Connect 2: Girls promote cooperation and team building. Brenda talks about how being a Girl Scout, particularly a Mackinac Island Scout, helps to build these skills and more. Click here for more information about the Mackinac Island Scout Program.
NOTE: This podcast refers to the Mackinac Island Scout Program as Mackinac Island Honor Guard. This podcast was recorded before the program name was changed. Any questions about this change? Email helpdesk@gshom.org.
Welcome to the newest season of the Girl Scout Advantage podcast! In this season, each week, Brenna will talk with a different Girl Scout or Girl Scout Volunteer to deep dive into one of the 15 Outcomes of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. This episode focuses on Connect 2: Girls promote cooperation and team building.
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit http://weblink.donorperfect.com/GSHOMpodcast today.
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Welcome to the newest season of the Girl Scout Advantage podcast! In this season, each week, Brenna will talk with a different Girl Scout or Girl Scout Volunteer to deep dive into one of the 15 Outcomes of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. This episode focuses on Connect 1: Girls Develop healthy relationships.
Join us to hear from Girl Scout volunteers Kimberly and Frank Seaburg! Listen to how Frank earned his title of the Cookie King and how Girl Scouting brought their entire family together. Brenna, Kimberly, and Frank focus on outcome Connect 1: Girls develop healthy relationships. Kimberly and Frank talk about how goal setting allowed their troop to go on a cruise to Belize and Honduras!
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit http://weblink.donorperfect.com/GSHOMpodcast today.
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Welcome to the newest season of the Girl Scout Advantage podcast! In this season, each week, Brenna will talk with a different Girl Scout or Girl Scout Volunteer to deep dive into one of the 15 Outcomes of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. This episode focuses on Discover 5: Girls develop critical thinking.
Join us to hear from Girl Scout volunteer Julie Abe! Listen to how Julie uses the Girl Scout Law to teach her Girl Scouts (and herself) about ethics and taking risks. Brenna and Julie focus on outcome Discover 5: Girls develop critical thinking. Julie talks about how she practices being girl-led and helping her girls reach their goals!
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit http://weblink.donorperfect.com/GSHOMpodcast today.
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Join us to hear from Jessica Phillips, a Girl Scout volunteer! Listen to how Jessica keeps her Girl Scouts engaged throughout Girl Scout Cookie season as she shares some of their favorite activities. Jessica and Brenna focus on the outcome of Discover 4: Girls seek challenges in the world. Jessica talks about how challenges don’t have to be scary and that finding challenges that excite and interest you are the key to success!
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit http://weblink.donorperfect.com/GSHOMpodcast today.
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Join us to hear from Jan Whitcomb, a Girl Scout volunteer! Listen to how Jan shares her love for Girl Scout Camp and tries to support camp in any way she can. Jan and Brenna focus on the outcome of Discover 3: Girls gain practical life skills. Jan shared how Girl Scouts has not only helped her instill this value in the girls but how she has also gained life skills through volunteering!
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit http://weblink.donorperfect.com/GSHOMpodcast today.
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Join us to hear from Sara Sparrow, a Girl Scout volunteer! Listen to how Sara learned how to be the best troop leader she could be with the help of fellow Girl Scout Troop Leaders and her Girl Scouts. Sara and Brenna focus on the outcome of Discover 2: Girls develop positive values. Sara shares how she works with her Girl Scouts to teach them about positive values and why it is a significant value to hold.
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit http://weblink.donorperfect.com/GSHOMpodcast today.
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Join us to hear from Beth Dewey, a Girl Scout volunteer! Listen to how Beth works with her troop to have the best possible Girl Scout experience. Beth and Brenna focus on the outcome of Discover 1: Girls Develop a strong sense of self. Beth tells several stories about how this outcome has positively impacted her Girl Scouts!
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit http://weblink.donorperfect.com/GSHOMpodcast today.
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Join us to learn about what our newest season of the Girl Scout Advantage Podcast has in store. This season we will be taking you through the 15 Outcomes of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience outcome by outcome. You will hear from a variety of volunteers, Girl Scouts, and staff to learn about how the 15 Outcomes have benefitted them in their Girl Scout experience!
Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit http://weblink.donorperfect.com/GSHOMpodcast today.
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Awardees Laura Chappell & Brittany Chesney join Brenna for the final installment of the 2024 Women of Distinction season of the Girl Scout Advantage Podcast. Laura and Brittany dish on how the two of them met during Girl Scouts as young girls and have used the skills they learned in their troop to become entrepreneurs and business partners.
Laura Chappell – Laura was born and raised in Grand Ledge, Michigan. She lives in Grand Ledge with her husband, Eric, rescue dog, Millie, and seven energetic chickens. As a full-time photographer, Laura captures special moments, from graduating seniors to weddings and more. She enjoys camping, hiking, gardening, rock hunting, and collecting vinyl records in her free time.
Laura is passionate about supporting local businesses, especially those owned by women. Recently, Laura and, her lifelong friend, and Girl Scout Troopmate, Brittany Chesney, purchased a historic building near their hometown. They plan to combine Laura’s wedding photography expertise with Brittany’s wedding and event planning experience to create a boutique wedding venue set to open in 2026.
Brittany Chesney – Brittany lives in Lansing with her husband, Scott, and their pets: the Great Dane/Saint Bernard mix Rheo and their cat, Lady. Brittany has always had a special place in her heart for community involvement and giving back. In 2019, while serving as the head caregiver of a before/after school program in Grand Ledge, she decided it was time to pursue her dream business, 1945 Event Co. This venture allowed Brittany to follow her passion for planning and design, bringing others’ visions to life. From Kindergarten until graduation, Brittany was a Girl Scout, and she believes it helped shape her into the woman and entrepreneur she is today. An avid lover of antiques and the TV show I Love Lucy, Brittany enjoys going on adventures and basking in Michigan’s natural beauty.
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We are so excited to welcome Dr. Cathy Glick, a 2024 Women of Distinction Awardee, to the Girl Scout Advantage Podcast! This episode Cathy and Brenna talk about the ground breaking work Cathy does in cardiology, how she became a doctor, and her journey in Girl Scouts.
Dr. Cathy Glick is originally from Teaneck, New Jersey, but moved to Michigan when she attended medical school in Ann Arbor. She has been an esteemed cardiologist in Jackson since 1990. Her special interests include congestive heart failure and heart disease.
She is a specialist in echocardiography and vascular ultrasound. Dr. Glick is involved in medical ethics, the local medical society, and the Heart Association. She enjoys music, theater, literature, and national and international travel in her free time.
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We are so excited to have Women of Distinction Honoree Rebecca Noell this episode on the Girl Scout Advantage Podcast. Rebecca and Brenna touch on her history with the Girl Scouts and how that sparked her passion for learning and her future in higher education.
Rebecca resides in Ann Arbor, Michigan, with her American Staffy, Wilbur. She works in higher education and student affairs, with expertise in student conduct, conflict resolution, organizational development, risk reduction, student engagement, fraternity and sorority life, student development, and leadership. She currently works at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Rebecca is also pursuing a doctorate in Organizational Leadership from Pepperdine University. She is actively involved in her national sorority, Alpha Sigma Alpha, and community service through the Junior League of Ann Arbor. Rebecca likes to read, travel, and spend time with friends and family in her free time.
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Joining Brenna this week on The Girl Scout Advantage Podcast is 2024 Women of Distinction Honoree, Elizabeth Garvey! This episode Elizabeth and Brenna touch on her background in education, how she came to move to Michigan, and how educating the next generation is the best gift you could given the legacy she hopes to leave.
Elizabeth is a Wilmington College graduate in English, psychology, religion, and secondary education, followed by two master's degrees from Michigan State University. She has volunteered in various organizations, such as the Salvation Army and Girl Scouts. Garvey also hosted a weekly radio program, "Radio Storytime," for over 15 years. Now retired, she enjoys traveling the world for missions and adventures and hopes to write a book someday.
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Let us know what you'd like to hear for our next season by emailing our Communications Manager, Brenna Smith at bsmith@gshom.org