November/December: Troop Product Managers (TPM) attend the 2024/2025 Cookie Product Program Training through Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan gsEvents, local Service Unit Product Manager, or gsLearn. Troops hold a Cookie Program training and meeting for girls and their families. Troops can begin to enter Troop Girl Scout Cookie Booths in eBudde.
December 3, 10, 17: Product Office Hours at 6 PM: Drop in and ask any questions regarding the Girl Scout Cookie Program. Check our event calendar to register, or grab the link from Troop Product Manager, Rallyhood.
December 7: Girl Scout Heart of Michigan Cookie Kick-Off—all age levels. For times and locations, check our event calendar.
December 12: ACH Draft #1. Early November Booth Payment (100%) due.
December 14: The Cookie Program Begins, and 5 Skills Cookie Scavenger Hunt begins.
January 3-13: Digital Cookie Rock-It Challenge to sell 100+ packages ordered through a Girl's Digital Cookie Program; Girl Scouts will receive the Girl Scout Cookie Rock Cairn Charm.
January 9, 23, 28: Product Office Hours at 6 PM: Drop in and ask any questions regarding the Girl Scout Cookie Program. Check our event calendar to register, or grab the link from the Troop Product Manager or Rallyhood.
January 12: The Girl Scout Cookie Initial Order is due. Digital Cookie pauses behind the scenes in eBudde, which means it is still open for customers to purchase.
January 13: The Troop Initial Cookie Order & Reward Order are due in eBudde. Once submitted, the information must remain the same. The troop delivery pick-up location has been selected. The deadline to submit the Girl Reward is January 13.
January 17: Digital Cookie un-pauses in eBudde.
January 20: Digital Cookie troop site access opens.
January 23: Council Girl Scout Cookie Booth sign-ups start at 7 PM. From January 23 to January 30, troops can select up to 3 council booths. Beginning January 30, troops can select unlimited dates/times.
February 3, 4, 5, 6, 7: Cookie pick-up for troops begins. For locations, dates, and times, refer to your delivery tab in eBudde.
February 7: Cookie Cupboards Open! Check our cupboard calendar in eBudde for locations, dates, and times.
February 8: Girl Scout Cookie Booth Opportunities begin for both Council-Sponsored and Non-Sponsored booths. Non-sponsored booths must be registered in eBudde and approved.
February 11 Product Office Hours at 6 PM: Drop in and ask any questions regarding the Girl Scout Cookie Program. Check our event calendar to register, or grab the link from Troop Product Manager, Rallyhood.
February 28 ACH Draft #2. 75% of all cookies on Troop Initial Orders, less Digital Cookie payments, through January 13.
March: Girl Scout Cookie Booths continue.
March 21:ACH Draft #3. The remaining Initial Order balance and February Girl Scout Cookie Booths 1/31-2/25 are due.
April: Troops can begin to sign up to help distribute Girl Scout Cookies to local Hometown Heroes.
April 13: Troop Final Reward orders are due to eBudde. Allocate all cookies to Girl Scouts, verify family payments, and submit troop reward orders.
April 14: Outstanding Money Report (OMR) Form due for any family/caregivers not paid in full.
April 14: Volunteer Cookie Cupboards closed for the season. Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan Regional Cookie Cupboard locations continue.
April 17: ACH Draft #4. March Girl Scout Cookie Booths 2/26-3/25.
April 21: Five for Five Contest slips are due to Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan Regional Center. They must be cut out and include the girl's and troop number.
April 25: Cookie Booths continue with troops earning an additional $0.10/package.
April 25: Cookies to Camp begins for individual Girl Scouts attending Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan camp program events and sessions.
May 5: Digital Cookie closes for the season.
May 9: Hometown Hero Pick up and deliveries begin.
May 16: ACH Payment Draft #5. April Booths 3/26-4/29.
May 30: Stellar Seller Event: Lansing Lugnuts.
June 20: Behind-the-Scenes of Product Program Reward Event.
June 20: ACH Payment Draft #6. May Booths 4/30-5/27.
June 21: Stellar Seller Event: Build-A-Bear.
June 25: Super Stellar Seller Event: Cedar Point - Ohio.
July 11: Stellar Seller Event: Build-A-Bear.
July 18: ACH Payment Draft #7. June Booths 5/28-7/1.
July 21: Super Stellar Seller Event: Michigan Adventures - Muskegon.
July 31: Hamilton Reward Event.