Be the troop leader that watches her smile get bigger as she grows more confident. Mentor a Girl Scout during cookie season so she can earn enough to reach the goals she set. Or work with other adults to provide the kind of behind-the-scenes support that makes it possible for her to have a phenomenal Girl Scout experience.
Whether you can give a few hours a week, once a month, or throughout the year, there's a role for everyone to be involved and support their Girl Scouts. Take a look at the different types of roles below of how to be a volunteer.
A troop is a group of Girl Scouts who gather weekly, monthly, or quarterly. The Troop Leader and other adult volunteers guide troops as youth members select exciting hands-on activities and projects, try new things, and cheer each other on.
A Service Unit is a group of committed, focused, and passionate volunteers who manage troops within a set geographic area. The size of the Service Unit can evolve based on the number of volunteers available.